Saturday, January 20, 2007

It is not the Iraq War that people in the World hate America

Hello, my name is Huy Hoang. I am from Vietnam and i think most people here in America still remember my country's name for just 1 reason: because they try to forget. I am a senior in Business Administration but have a strong political instinct. For some reasons i found myself debating heatedly with people i don't know on websites such as Youtube. And what i found out amazed me but may be not you: That people who know or care little about politics still have time to go online and release their venoms through expletives as if decent words should not be used for people who hold a different standpoint, people who in the attackers' minds are inferior, retarded. And that is just one of the small things people in the world are skeptical about the US. Then, it comes to Islam, some Americans believe Islam is mostly fundamental, others see it as conservative. Conservative? So where are the good old Christian values? Oh yes, the deterioration of some powerful Christians and the decreasing influence and "separation of church and schools" in the US have indeed estranged and left alot of young people in recent generations disoriented and confused. People nolonger trust religions as the beacon of goodness. And here comes moral decay, family breakdown, crime and lawlessness, racial discrimination and finally a society which doesn't know whose rights should be protected. You may argue that i overlook the good things in America but isn't it the way People in America see things? You ignore what you have and yearn for more and more even it may be too much cause you don't know when you should stop. This worsens the problems. Instead of judging people by their personalites and behaviors, people nowadays tend to evaluate people as a group similar to what they did when they changed from traditional foods to fast foods cause it is faster and easier. Guys get news from Comedy Central and unquestionably believe in them. The prosecutor in Duke rape case vehemently pursues the case even if it is a lie because it shows "White discriminate Black" more than just a girl is raped or not. Well, Rev Jesse Jackson jumped in the case 1 hour after the incident to tell the world how terrible it is to be black in America, no wonder! The next time you hear a caucasian white male converts to Islam or a liberal kid from abroad turns conservative overnight, you know what i mean........

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