Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ruling Class: A Mad Conspiracy or The Work of The Revolutionists

Even the most pro-government citizen will find it useless in denying the fact that many powerful and wealthy families have a strong influence in American politics. However, to say that these people indeed "rule" America is like saying "Bush ordered terrorists to attack the WTC". Ah, but again, there are people who believe in that story. According to Mills and Domhoff, because America is a capitalist country, power is therefore concentrated into the hands of the people who own the US economy: corporation CEOs, Banks and Agricultural managers...These people are called the "power elite" or the "ruling class" by both authors, which refers to the small group of upperclasses who hold the decision-making ability and the associated privileges. It seems quite true that rich people have power, but does it necessary mean the power to control the mass? Reality supports a different scenario. American politics is one of the broadest playing fields in the world compared to other countries. In fact, the majority of the people in control of the government came from a not-so-privilege background. Thus, it may be more appropriate to say that the "ruling class" is just an illusion or a shadow of the real controlling machine, it is the system as is any other system. The evidence points out that the "ruling class" is a combination of "people like us" as well as "from a different world". Bill Clinton surely did not qualify as "elite" but stayed on top for 8 years. Michael Dell was none either. Nevertheless, the conspiracy persists because people love it. In a world of information nowadays, when national security can be revealed in a second via "Youtube", it is ridiculous to say that there is such an organization as CFR in control of everybody in the government. Did the Mafia really control the government back then? The core of the matter is "people". There are people who rise to power or inherit it from the back door and then use their power to enhance their wealth and the wealth of their supporters regardless of the interests of other people. But there are still people who do the opposite. What we need is a balancing of the 2 forces. Then, when the power is concentrated in the hands of people who love other people, peace is not an unachiavable deed.

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