Monday, March 12, 2007

To read but not think is the bad side of education!!!

In Uruguay Mr Bush has a mere 12% approval rating, according to CIFRA, a Montevideo consultancy. But 59% of Uruguayans support a free-trade accord with America, including a majority of the supporters of the Frente Amplio, the ruling left-wing coalition.
Cuban leader Fidel Castro not only gets the lowest average score (4.4) but also the highest percentage of negative ratings (41%). Less than a third (27%) rates him positively. Castro is the best known of the Latin American leaders rated, with only 21 percent saying they did not know or would not respond.
Chávez and Bush tie for third from the bottom with average scores of 4.6. They also get the same percentage of positive ratings (39%) and are viewed negatively by 28 percent and 30 percent, respectively. Both Chávez and Bush are relatively well known with only 29 percent and 21 percent, respectively, not responding.

Why do you think the more people know of Castro or Chavez, the more they disapprove of them? and see why people hate America because of conception rather than reality. Globalization is more favorable to poor countries than US. If you really want to know, look at the opinion of people in countries having trade with US and look how trade affect their countries...

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